Q. What is the shelf life of curry products?

Generally speaking, the expiration date is as shown in the table below, but please be sure to check the expiration date indicated on the package of each company.

Before opening

TypeTemperatureCondition / State of preservationPeriod
Curry mixRoom temperatureRegular3 to 4 years
Curry rouxRoom temperatureRegular1.5 to 2 years
Pre-cooked curryRoom temperatureRegular2 to 3 years

Q. Why is there a white-ish appearance on the surface of curry roux?

The white appearance is caused by edible fats rising to the surface of the curry roux due to high temperatures and then solidifying as it cools. This is not a sign of deterioration in quality, so you can enjoy it with confidence. This phenomenon is called “blooming” and is occasionally observed in other products such as chocolate.

Q. The surface of curry roux sometimes appears green. What is this?

When the yellow component of turmeric, which is an ingredient in curry powder, dissolves in oil and rises to the surface of the roux it can sometimes appear green depending on the lighting conditions. This is not a sign of deterioration in quality, so you can enjoy it with confidence.

Q. How much salt is there in curry roux?

The salt content in curry roux varies by product, but is approximately 10%. With each serving of curry roux weighing around 18-20 grams, the salt content per curry meal ranges from 1.8 grams to 2.0 grams. Currently, the recommended daily target for salt intake per meal is fewer than 2.5 grams. Therefore, the salt content in one serving of curry falls within that range.

Q. Is it safe to feed young children spicy curry?

The spices that are the ingredients used in curry powder are generally considered to have beneficial effects on the body such as increasing appetite and aiding in digestion and absorption. However, when weaning infants and young children from baby food to regular adult food, it’s important to introduce spicier curries gradually. Feeding them a milder version of curry prepared with ingredients like milk to reduce spiciness and flavour is advisable to help prevent rejection due to the sudden change in taste.

Q. What criteria are you using for labelling curry roux “sweet, medium-spicy or spicy” or for the “spiciness ranking chart”?

These levels, such as “sweet, medium-spicy, spicy” are determined based on the quantity of spicy aromatic spices used, such as chilli peppers, black pepper, ginger and others. They do not indicate differences in saltiness due to salt content.

The spiciness ranking chart is determined individually by each company based on factors such as the quantity of spicy ingredients and sensory evaluation conducted by experts through taste testing.

Q. Is there something to pay attention to when preparing curry in advance?

If you’re preparing curry for later use, it’s essential to transfer it to a shallow container, allow it to cool down and then promptly store it in the refrigerator or freezer. When you reheat the stored curry for consumption, transfer it to a pan and make sure to heat it thoroughly while stirring. If you’re using a microwave, ensure it’s heated thoroughly. 

Leaving curry at room temperature for an extended period can lead to bacterial growth, which may have adverse effects on your health.