
How to prepare basic curry

Making a delicious curry with authentic taste is easy !

Here we present the basics to make proper curry with just a cooking pan.

If you are using roux or flakes

  1. Prepare vegetables and meat by cutting them to bite size blocks.
  2. Add vegetable oil to a cooking pan, then stir-fry meat and vegetables. (cook on medium heat for about 5 minutes)
  3. Add water and bring to a boil then reduce heat Cook on low heat until vegetables are tender. (about 15 minutes after boiling)
  4. Turn the heat off, add roux or flakes and mix well. (You melts well at 60°C to 70°C) Once the sauce mix is completely melted, simmer on low heat until the sauce becomes consistently thick.
  5. Pour the prepared curry sauce over cooked rice on a plate.

If you are using Retort (individual serving)

Heat the retort pouch in hot water. Alternatively, open the pouch and pour the curry into a pot to warm it with a microwave.

  1. Fill cooking pan with water and bring to a boil.
  2. Place the retort pouch in boiling water and let it heat for 3 to 5 minutes. (do not open the pouch)
  3. Take the heated pouch out of water, open the pouch and pour the curry over cooked rice prepared on a plate.
    Enjoy curry with rice!


Classic Curry

A bold chicken curry with the perfect blend of spices for a rich aroma of genuine curry.

Ingredients (10 servings)
Chicken …………………. 200g
Onions …………………… 600g
Potatoes ………………… 400g
Carrots …………………… 100g
Water ……………………… 1,200 ml
Curry roux ………………. 200g
Curry Powder ………….. suitable amount
Vegetable oil …………… suitable amount


  1. Cut chicken meet and vegetables to bite size blocks. Heat vegetable oil in the cooking pan, the stir-fry chicken meat and vegetables well. (season chicken with curry powder)
  2. Add water and when it starts to boil, skim off foam, then simmer on low to medium heat until ingredients are soft (usually about 20 minutes).
  3. Turn off the heat and add the curry roux. Once it melts, resume the heat on low and cook until the mixture becomes thick.
  4. Pour the sauce over rice on a plate.

Katsu Curry

Katsu Curry with chicken cutlet served with richly spiced curry sauce.

Ingredients (10 servings)
Onions (thinly sliced) ……………….. 400g
Water ……………………………………… 1,520ml
Curry flakes …………………………….. 200g
Vegetable Oil ……………………………Suitable amount
Chicken (breast meat) ……………… 130g x10 pieces
Flour, eggs, bread crumbs, salt and pepper


  1. Heat vegetable oil in a cooking pan, then stir-fry thinly sliced onions well.
  2. Add water and when it starts to boil, skim off foam then simmer on low to medium heat until onions are soft (usually about 20 minutes).
  3. Turn off the heat and add the curry flakes. Once it melts, resume the heat on low and cook until the mixture became thick.
  4. Put rice and cutlet on a plate, then pour the sauce over to serve.
  5. make a cut halfway in the middle of the chicken meat and sprinkle salt and pepper.
  6. Add flour, eggs and brad crumbs on the meat, then adjust the shape as needed.
  7. Deep fry in oil at 170°C, shake off oil and cut to bite size blocks.